Wednesday 9 November 2011

Information Report Writing

At the moment we are writing information reports about the plight of polar bears. Most of the class have finished their first paragraph, the identifying statement. We were impressed with this one...

Imagine your home your place of birth melting away before your very eyes. It’s a tough thing to face but this is what’s happening to the polar bears habitat in the North Pole. Polar bears are down to about 20-25,000 in numbers now as of 2007 and what happens in 2050? They could be down to about 1500 or wiped out completely. This is the fact we have to face not only as an individual but united together to not only to save the polar bears but our planet earth as well.
Can you spot where the apostrophe and commas are needed?


Anonymous said...

Whos is this??

nickydunlop said...

Forbes wrote this great introductory statement.