Thursday 29 September 2011

Inspired by Henrico

We loved having Ties's dad talk with us today about his life as an author and editor; as part of Book Week. He impressed us with the number of books he has written and the number of words he writes each day! The first sentence of a story is the most important; Henrico shared some great examples and got us thinking about how we can hook the reader in more effectively. My favourite part was when he shared an extract (thanks to Google for the translation) from his latest book. We could all relate to his story from Fed 22nd. Thanks Henerico, we were inspired!


Anonymous said...

Here's a great opening line for you: “There is no lake at Camp Green Lake.” Can anyone remember what this is from? You all know the story. What does it get you thinking?

Anonymous said...

the line is from holes. my favourite opening sentence is piper decided to jump of the roof.
great hook.